08 jun. 2024

Hundaræktarfélag Íslands

Nordisk udstilling

Víðistaðatún, Hafnarfirði

Schnauzer, black

Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 2
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 2
Dommer: Jean Lawless, Irland
Bedst i racen - BIR
Black Standard Lucky Luke
Katalognr.: 0161
Ejer: Land: Island
Opdrætter: Sigrún Valdimarsdóttir 109 Reykjavík Island
Registreringsnummer: IS36030/23

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 6

Bedste junior
Black Standard Lucky Luke
Katalognr.: 0161
Ejer: Land: Island
Opdrætter: Sigrún Valdimarsdóttir 109 Reykjavík Island
Registreringsnummer: IS36030/23

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 6

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BHK CERT NCAC Jun.CERT N-JCAC BIR 0161  Kritik Black Standard Lucky Luke
14 months, ex type and presented in ex coat and condition, good proportions, good bite, pleasing head, well set ears, eye could be a little darker, ex neck, withers top line and tail set, good chest and under line, angulation could be more balanced, ex side gait, ok coming a little erratic going away
Registreringsnummer: IS36030/23

Land: Island

Sigrún Valdimarsdóttir
109 Reykjavík

Plac. Katalognr.
1 VG 0162  Kritik Black Standard Lola Bunny
14 months old, feminine with good proportions, developing well in the body, pleasing head, good bite, eyes too light, ears good size a little low set, good neck, top line and tail set, balanced angulation, stands well, front feet a little flat, good coat texture, moves very nicely
Registreringsnummer: IS36033/23

Land: Island

Sigrún Valdimarsdóttir
109 Reykjavík

Par klasse
Plac. Katalognr.
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