10 aug. 2024

Hundaræktarfélag Íslands

Nordisk udstilling

Víðistaðatún, Hafnarfirði

Giant schnauzer, black

Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 2
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 2
Dommer: Sóley Halla Möller, Island
Bedst i racen - BIR
Heljuheims Úlfur Úlfur
Katalognr.: 0325
Ejer: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island
Opdrætter: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island
Registreringsnummer: IS28276/20 ISJCH ISSHCH ISW23

Udstilling information

Klasse: Championklasse
Ring: 13

Bedst i modsat køn - BIM
Heljuheims Eskimó Módel
Katalognr.: 0326
Ejer: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir, Birgitta Birgisdóttir, 810 Hveragerði Island
Opdrætter: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island
Registreringsnummer: IS36598/23

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 13

Bedste junior
Heljuheims Eskimó Módel
Katalognr.: 0326
Ejer: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir, Birgitta Birgisdóttir, 810 Hveragerði Island
Opdrætter: Ragnhildur Gísladóttir 810 Hveragerði Island
Registreringsnummer: IS36598/23

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 13

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BHK NCAC BIR 0325  Kritik Heljuheims Úlfur Úlfur
4 years old. Masculine male of excellent type, size and proportions. Strong masculine head with intelligent expression. Correct set ears. Nice dark eyes. Strong muzzle. Scissor bite. Well laid back shoulders. Good neck. Excellent angulaiton front and rear. Little long in loin. Level topline. Excellent tailset and carriage. Excellent coat quality and grooming. Sound movements from all sides. Excellent temperament. Well handled.
Registreringsnummer: IS28276/20 ISJCH ISSHCH ISW23

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
Dynskógum 26
810 Hveragerði

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
810 Hveragerði

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BTK CERT NCAC Jun.CERT N-JCAC BIM 0326  Kritik Heljuheims Eskimó Módel
13 months. Feminine bitch of excellent type, size and proportions. Feminine head with intelligent expression. Corect set ears. Flat skull. Nice dark eyes. Strong muzzle. Scissor bite. Well laid back shoulders. Excellent angulation front and rear. Level topline. Good bones and feet. Excellent tailset and carriage. Excellent coat quality. Needs time to stablize in movements, but is balanced when she wants to. Excellent temperament. Well handled.Very promising junior.
Registreringsnummer: IS36598/23

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir, Birgitta Birgisdóttir
Dynskógum 26
810 Hveragerði

Ragnhildur Gísladóttir
810 Hveragerði

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