10 aug. 2024

Hundaræktarfélag Íslands

Nordisk udstilling

Víðistaðatún, Hafnarfirði

Schnauzer, pepper & salt

Antal tilmeldte hunde i officielle klasser: 3
Antal bedømte hunde i racen: 4
Dommer: Sóley Halla Möller, Island
Bedst i racen - BIR
MFF Dreams Come True Saltus Ze Zahrabske
Katalognr.: 0323
Ejer: Hildur Fjóla Bridde 240 Grindavík Island
Opdrætter: Melanie Cardell Usa
Registreringsnummer: IS33115/22 RSCH HUCH BACH ISCH ISW22

Udstilling information

Klasse: Championklasse
Ring: 13

Bedste junior
Eyjaskeggs Kuldaboli
Katalognr.: 0322
Ejer: Land: Island
Opdrætter: Hilmar Leó Guðmundsson, Björg Valdís Gunnarsdóttir 825 Stokkseyri Island
Registreringsnummer: IS35996/23 ISJCH

Udstilling information

Klasse: Juniorklasse
Ring: 13

Plac. Katalognr.
L 0321  Kritik Arctic Dragons Courage Liberte Racer
6 months old. Masculine male of excellent type, size and proportions. Strong masculine head. Correct set ears, that are a little big. Flat skull. Nice eyes. Strong muzzle. Scissor bite. Could have better lay back of shoulders. Normal front angulation. Excellent rear. Excellent promising coat. Correct tail set and carriage when he wants to. Today he is shown in a bit heavy condfition, which makes him a little soft overall and that affects his movements today.
Registreringsnummer: IS38200/24

Hildur Fjóla Bridde
Hraunbraut 2
240 Grindavík

Hildur Fjóla Bridde
240 Grindavík

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 2.BHK CERT R.NCAC Jun.CERT N-JCAC 0322  Kritik Eyjaskeggs Kuldaboli
15 months old. Masculine male of excellent type, size and proportions. Masculine head with lovely expression. Correct set ears. Flat skull. Nice eyes. Strong muzzle. Scissor bite. Well laid back shoudlers. Long neck. Level topline. Normal angulation front, excellent in rear. Excellent tailset and carriage. Excellent coat quality. Sound movements from all sides. Excellent temperament.
Registreringsnummer: IS35996/23 ISJCH

Land: Island

Hilmar Leó Guðmundsson, Björg Valdís Gunnarsdóttir
825 Stokkseyri

Plac. Katalognr.
1 EX CK 1.BHK NCAC BIR 0323  Kritik MFF Dreams Come True Saltus Ze Zahrabske
5 years old. Masculine male of excellent type, size and proportions. Masculine head with lovely expression. Correct set ears. Flat skull. Nice eyes that could be a little darker. Strong muzzle. Scissor bite. Well laid back shoulders. Open front angulation, excellent angulation in rear. Excellent tailset and carriage. Excellent coat quality. Excellent side movements. A little loose in front. Excellent temperament.
Registreringsnummer: IS33115/22 RSCH HUCH BACH ISCH ISW22

Hildur Fjóla Bridde
Hraunbraut 2
240 Grindavík

Melanie Cardell


Plac. Katalognr.
1 VG 0324  Kritik Höfðingja Lóa Salka
4 years old. Feminine bitch of very good type and size, a bit long proportions. Feminine head with lovely expression. Correct set ears. Flat skull. Strong muzzle. Scissor bite. Could have better layback of shoulder. Good bone and feet. Excellent coat quality. Could have better bend of stifle. Balanced movements. Well handled. Sweet temperment.
Registreringsnummer: IS29548/21

Land: Island

Valgerður Stefánsdóttir
220 Hafnarfirði

Par klasse
Plac. Katalognr.
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